5 spatial design tac-tics

  • Autore/i.................: Piccinno Giovanna
  • Anno Edizione......: 2021
  • EAN.........................: 9788891646330
  • Editore....................: Maggioli Editore
  • Collana...................: Politecnica
  • Pagine.....................: 180
14,00 €
Tasse incluse

The third millennium sets the scene for a profound and radical change in the way people live. For design - which works as a continuous process, by identifying and interpreting the needs which trace the new paths and scenarios of life as it develops, and then by proposing design actions which become space, objects and ways of behaving - it is a unique opportunity to generate creative concepts and the territorial sphere, which is undergoing profound metamorphosis, provides design with another field for experimentation with great potential. By freely facing challenges and imbuing itself in its work with the languages of architecture, art, communication sciences, urban planning, landscape design and territorial marketing - with an extremely full exchange of composition grammars and behavioral responses - design can carry through a concrete revolution in the dynamics of the design of other spaces. The temporary, adaptable and reversible methods offered by the systemic approaches typical of the Design process mesh particularly well with the requirements for development and adaptability of post-industrial society, structured as it is on networked, multiple, pervasive and invisible systems, which are being continuously implemented and transformed, and on the value of the global-local relationship. The study highlights how it is possible to achieve these goals using different and distinctive spatial design tactics through collaborative engagement with neighboring creative disciplines.
4 Articoli

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